Arizona’s Pro Bono Rules

What is pro bono?

The term pro bono is short for “pro bono publico”, a Latin term that means “for the public good”. In the legal community, the term pro bono is used to describe professional legal services provided voluntarily and without payment.

Why is pro bono important?

The Legal Services Corporation’s Justice Gap study found that 92% of the civil legal problems of low income Americans did not receive any or enough legal help. In Arizona, the need for civil legal assistance far exceeds the capacity of free and reduced cost legal help programs. Despite serving more than 15,000 Arizonans each year, legal aid programs turn away nearly half of those that apply for help due to a lack of resources. Pro bono legal assistance helps bridge the gap.

Volunteering legal services pro bono is essential to helping Arizona families stay safe, healthy, housed, and self-sufficient. In addition to immense benefits to Arizona’s communities, pro bono work helps lawyers develop their skills in a variety of practice areas, network with other lawyers, and utilize their expertise in a meaningful, fulfilling way.
Hands holding a person

Pro Bono Services

Rule 42. Arizona Rules of Professional Conduct

6. Public Service
Ethical Rule 6.1 - Voluntary Pro Bono Public Service

Not Licensed in Arizona - Pro Bono/Legal Aid Employment

Rule 38(d) - Approved Legal Services Organizations and Certification of Pro Bono Counsel

Two people putting a puzzle together

Limited Scope Representation

Rule 42. Arizona Rules of Professional Conduct

Fees - Ethical Rule 1.5(b)(2)
Communication – Ethical Rule 4.2 comment – [2013 amendment]
Unrepresented Person – Ethical Rule 4.3 comment – [2013 amendment]
Legal Service Programs – Ethical Rule 6.5

Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure

Rule 5.1(c) - Duties of Counsel
Rule 11(a) - Signing of Pleadings

Hand holding a certified document

CLE Credit for Pro Bono Services

Rule 45. Mandatory Continuing Legal Education

Rule 45(a)(5) - Continuing Legal Education Requirements

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